
Trending Designs by Excalibur

June 1, 2023

At Excalibur Homes, we make sure that you get all your boxes checked with minimum inconvenience. As you cannot compromise on your dream house, we understand your requirements and construct the most appropriate home for your dreams. We have been building homes for four decades and have succeeded in producing remarkable home designs making Excalibur of the most highly-rated home builders in the area.

All the custom home design trends we're seeing right now have one thing in common: design should be a personality-driven endeavor. Everything from color selection to lighting fixtures celebrates individuality and uniqueness. From unusual lighting fixtures and outrageous countertop materials.  It is a common observation that the lesser the better, so why waste your time and money on extravagant efforts when you can make your house perfect with simple designs?

We have a highly experienced team of professional experts that talk to our customers and produce customized designs according to their personalities. In this way, not only can you enjoy unlimited utility but trendy designs at your convenience. 

Another design trend that we continue to see in homes is the incorporation of luxurious and tactile materials. In every room of the house, different textures, wood accents, and organic materials have been artfully mixed. The texture and variety of material not only bring versatility to the design but also gives a unique touch. This style is all about generating gorgeously distinctive "moments" across a home, from moody kitchens to startling wallpaper to deep jewel tones. To make your house livelier, you should play with colors and hues. In this way, you can bring colors to your life and make your house a unique one. Design that prioritizes sustainability is still popular, continuing a previous trend. Upcycling has been appreciated for its sustainability advantages and its design upgrade, whether it involves recovered materials like beams, doors, flooring, and accents.  In this way, not only can you save hundreds of dollars but also make the best use of your money. It will make your house economical and highly sustainable. You must consume highly rated and premium quality equipment for your house.

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